Sunday, July 20, 2014

being a well rounded individual

Since Klout * informs me that I must choose to be known for either my career or my hobby, I suppose it is time to move on to something else.


It's time to protest. 

Honestly, what's wrong with being a Renaissance person? Interested in many things, striving to be an expert in some at least?

Isn't the planet rounded? (Actually, she's an ellipsoid)

Well, doesn't she do so many things at once? And excel at them? Is any other planet quite so good at sustaining life? (Maybe... we don't know yet.) 

I think I might start another blog (yes, ANOTHER) for all the bits of me that need a creative outlet but are not linked to eco-friendliness.

I signed up for a Coursera course titled How to Change the World. I haven't done a single week's coursework yet. Urk. There's a section on climate change in the syllabus. 

And I'm reading about the world.
Quite enjoying this!
Oh right. And there's work.

Ramadan Kareem!

*I've recently started using Klout to measure how socially influential I am- a fairly respectable 52 last time I checked 

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About Me

Greetings, citizens of the world! We are united by planet and species, so what say we do our best to look after our handfuls of earth?