Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm back!

Alright, so I didn't actually go anywhere- I've just been busy for the last two weeks.
What have I been doing? Well, I attended two Meetups, was as good an intern as I knew how to be, and took two driving licence-related tests.
In other words- I've been doing a LOT of learning.
Twitter has become a friend (don't cry for me, Google; I haven't left you) and has introduced me to new friends like The Huffington Post, TIME Magazine, and UNEP.
It probably isn't very eco-friendly of me to charge my phone everyday, but I must if I want to stay connected.
You know the best part about learning? Sharing what you've learned (that's the teacher in me I suppose). So here's a wee bit...

I read (a little late) TIME's list of the 50 great inventions of 2011.
On that list were such marvels as
# the $ 4 mn hummingbird
# cloth made out of milk
# the artificial leaf- like the real thing, it turns solar energy into power, but in the form of a chemical fuel
# a cross between the incandescent bulb and its fluorescent cousin
# solar roller - solar panels that can be made part of the building

As you can see, the hashtag # has become a way of life. (I hear the sniggering.)

The awesomeness of the Internet, I tell you!

Hello to everyone from Dubai Sustainability Advocates!

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About Me

Greetings, citizens of the world! We are united by planet and species, so what say we do our best to look after our handfuls of earth?