Saturday, April 28, 2012

Darn it!

a mild swear word?
nope, just something i like getting done.
too often our clothes get ripped and we set them aside, planning to repair them someday. but someday never comes. so we throw the garments out, or cut them up for rags or bags.
i can offer you a better way.
for years now, off and on, i've been going to a 'darning centre' in panjim.
a title that seems grand, right (like executive assistant)? well, it's two men, whose fingers are nimble (and I've yet to see a thimble - sorry, that rhyme just begged to be released), sitting outside Lakaki (opposite Tato's, near Panjim church).
denim. silk. cotton. lycra. these are the things i've seen them working on.
over the last couple of months, i've gotten jeans (two pairs), cargoes, t-shirts, cotton pants and a bag repaired.
i think they do a pretty darn good job (pun intended). and they aren't too pricey. Grand total for all that stuff? something like 300.
where is the darn(ed) thing? the horizontal line  close to the base of my small steps bag

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Greetings, citizens of the world! We are united by planet and species, so what say we do our best to look after our handfuls of earth?