Tuesday, March 6, 2012

totally charged!

People all over Goa are celebrating, or mourning, because of the election results.
Woo hoo?
Meanwhile... life goes on.
Here's to people who are intent on making a change without having ulterior motives.
For instance, the good people at GOACAN, whom I've known nearly half my life.
An example of something they do: collect batteries.
I see your brow furrow. What do I mean, they collect batteries?
Well, what do you do with yours? Throw them in the bin once they no longer generate power, right? But then what? Those batteries probably go into what passes for landfills here, leaking poisonous and corrosive elements into the soil. Or they're burned *the horror!*
Through their battery collection drive, which has been going on for at least four years now, Roland and Lorna and those who work with them are trying to
1. prevent that
2. eventually return batteries to the producers who should be able to dispose of the hazardous stuff safely.
How do you get involved?
Get in touch with me and I'll tell you. :D

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About Me

Greetings, citizens of the world! We are united by planet and species, so what say we do our best to look after our handfuls of earth?