Saturday, March 3, 2012

pot pourri

I need to up the ante! Two ladies I admire and adore have said that they will read this blog. So I must make it worthy!

How do I do that? Perhaps it is time for some direction, some structure. Hmm. The thing I like best about my blog is that it isn’t rigid. But a little more focus (instead of the nebulous recordings of thoughts) would be good.

Here’s a DIY I learned from one of the above-mentioned ladies:

1. Eat an orange.

2. Keep the peel.

3. Dry the peel.

4. Break it into little bits.

5. Place in a bowl.

Et voila! Your own orange peel pot pourri!

It smells absolutely lovely, and is a much better scent in a closed room than Musty.

It could make a nice gift if you put in a pretty box or in some fancy sheer cloth.

BONUS: You consume part of your daily requirement of fruit every time you make a new batch.

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Greetings, citizens of the world! We are united by planet and species, so what say we do our best to look after our handfuls of earth?