Wednesday, March 14, 2012

snake in the hall

The last time I posted I wrote about spotting one wild thing close to my home.
That incident was followed soon after by the appearance of another wild thing, this time IN my home.
It seems the mama mongoose does not lack prey. I wish she'd spared the kittens.
Mum went into the hall to bring our hens in (they perch on the windowsill). She says she heard something fall, and there, wriggling on the floor in front of her, trying desperately to get into a corner, was a DEOD (that's Konkani for rat snake)
We had to chase it a bit, but mum eventually managed to get it into a bag and release it back into the garden. We do not advocate killing snakes. We've had cobras and Russell's vipers around the place but as far as possible we've asked someone to catch them and release them elsewhere.

What was I doing while mum did the hard work?
I was in charge of keeping an eye on it, and telling mum to be careful :D

Watch it slither here and here

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Greetings, citizens of the world! We are united by planet and species, so what say we do our best to look after our handfuls of earth?