Tuesday, August 21, 2012


It's not that easy to recycle here. Sure, there are bins where you can put the stuff you've segregated, or where you can easily drop a tetra-pak, glass bottle, or magazine that you have just finished with. Hurrah.
by Steve Snodgrass via flickr
The difficulty lies in segregation.
In the end, the problems are the same all over the world, aren't they?
Back home I could separate the bio-degradable from the non-compostable with such ease because I lived in a big house. Here I live in a wee flat, with two other people (three when Mum's in this country). The kitchen is so tiny! Where would I put cardboard? Where would I stack plastic or store glass? We try to reuse, really we do. But there's only so much I can be creative with (and only so much I can hide from the cleaners I live with. Hi Dad! Hi Fam!).
But maybe I should try harder. I just finished a carton full of muesli (almost) on my own. Couldn't I have walked to the bin in the sweltering heat to drop it in? This infographic makes me wish I had.
I think there are Cinnabon boxes from when we picked up Red Velvet Cupcakes... Hmm... (On a tangent, I wish I'd seen the red velvet insects this year.)

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Greetings, citizens of the world! We are united by planet and species, so what say we do our best to look after our handfuls of earth?