Friday, July 27, 2012

Trash is OUT

We've all seen the dumps. Where I'm from, there's litter everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. I've spent so much time getting mad, but some people in Slovakia chose to go one better. They've created an app, TrashOut, that you can use to mark illegal dump locations on Google maps.
Do the authorities come and clean up after you take this step? Maybe not just yet. But under the FAQ's it says that TrashOut will "approach them and let them know". Or you can take action yourself and make a day of cleaning up the place with your friends.
The app is downloadable on iOS and Android.
I love this idea, I really do. I checked the map of Goa recently and no one has marked anything yet. Shocking!
Read more, learn more, and mark the dirt, PLEASE! I'm delegating to the cyber-Goan-verse. Here's a video to watch too. It tells us stuff we know, but in a format we can pass on (and not be accused of being preachy)

Ramadan Kareem.

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Greetings, citizens of the world! We are united by planet and species, so what say we do our best to look after our handfuls of earth?