Wednesday, April 18, 2012



What are these?
Some ingredients for a crustless quiche. (basic recipe from The Frugal Gourmet, by Jeff Smith)
Why should they figure on a blog that is supposed to be about the environment?
Elementary, my dear Watson (am I misquoting?)

The ingredients in the picture are local and as close to organic as possible- almost there, but not quite. The brinjal was bought in Mapusa from a vendor from one of the surrounding villages. The local spinach was grown in our garden. And the eggs are free range, laid by two hens I love. And look after. (Yes, they’re mine).
The flour came from a nearby supermarket, Gipsy Mart, where they have their own mini-mill (or so my mother informs me). Flour without preservatives. Pure Atta. The pepper came from a friend’s creeper, ground by my mum.
The cheese, corn, salt, baking powder, butter- these were all packaged FMCGs.
BUT- I’m making an effort.

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About Me

Greetings, citizens of the world! We are united by planet and species, so what say we do our best to look after our handfuls of earth?