Friday, July 8, 2011

One small step

The last few weeks-months-have been heavy momentous ones.
I was shown a couple of strands of white hair on my head, pressure to move to an urban location grew, and I visited one of India's prime employment destinations. Before all that, I took on the responsibility of a home coupled with a job.
I recognized a deep-seated desire to be on my own which made my dream of a farm brighter.
And through all that, I tried to live a life that would not damage the earth.
It wasn't easy.

I stumbled many times and lifting myself up became tougher.
Then I found out that a friend of mine whom I'd never thought of as having green tendencies had bought a cycle to ride to work instead of using his geared motorbike.
Not all of us can make big gestures of that sort, but the smaller ones are within our reach.

What have I done for the planet in recent weeks? I repaired a pair of tights for myself, and made repairs to clothes I no longer fit into so that they can be passed on to other people.
Total time spent: 3 hours.
BIG green plus: I would've probably spent that time in front of the TV, using more electricity and not doing anything particularly useful.

Size doesn't always matter.


  1. I want to buy a bicycle too
    All the intellectuals at Stanford and Harvard are doing that
    Plus the Japanese

  2. i want to get a pump for mine! wonder if i cud ride around dxb on a cycle


About Me

Greetings, citizens of the world! We are united by planet and species, so what say we do our best to look after our handfuls of earth?