As a young adult, probably working at your first real job, something that is usually difficult to maintain control over is funds. You’re finally earning! Hurrah! There’s all this stuff you want to buy and see and do and now you can do it all with your own money. Or can you?
It’s a little harder than it first appears. You need to save- someday you might be out of a job. You might want something BIG like a house or a car. Do you put the smaller things that Life is supposed to be made of on hold till you achieve the bigger things?
That logic doesn’t quite make sense to me.
I want to travel. Sure, someday I’d like to see the Sphinx, and roam with the animals across the
And what do you know? I live in a place many people love visiting-
Can traveling within this tourist’s paradise be economical and eco-friendly? There’s only one way to find out…
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